1. Controlling processes
2. While typing commands
3. Correcting text
4. Moving
5. Cut / paste
6. Controlling the terminal
7. Bonus
In Bash and ZSH default key shortcuts are emacs style, a vim style exists.
20 raccourcis clavier du shell (Bash, ZSh) en mode emacs le réglage par défaut. Un mode vim existe.
Keys Description
CTRL+C Close the process running in foreground
CTRL+Z Suspend current process, it goes Zzz
bg command to resume it in background,
fg command to resume it in foreground.
Keys Description
CTRL+R Recall a previous command
TAB Auto-complete files and folder names, also commands and options with ZSH
CTRL+C Clean the line
Keys Description
CTRL+_ Undo the last key press. Can be repeated.
CTRL+T Toggle the last 2 characters;
Alt+T the last 2 words;
Esc+T current word with previous
Keys Description
CTRL+A Go to the begining of the line (like Home) alpha
CTRL+E Go to the end of the line (like End)
Alt+F Move 1 word forward, CTRL+F 1 character
Alt+B Move 1 word backward, CTRL+B 1 character
Keys Description
CTRL+H Cut 1 char before the cursor (like Backspace)
CTRL+W Cut 1 word before the cursor
CTRL+U Cut the part of the line before the cursor (Undo)
CTRL+K Cut the part of the line after the cursor
CTRL+Y Paste (yank) the last cut string
Keys Description
CTRL+S Stop the current output (to read it)
CTRL+Q Quit suspended mode, so resume output.
PgUp to read the begining
<cmd> | less to control output from start.
CTRL+L Clear shell screen, like clear command. Redraw layout
CTRL+D Exit (destroy) the current shell
Keys Description
CTRL+M Alternative to Enter
CTRL+J also works
1. CTRL + A Esc ↑ in a screen, Esc to stop
2. Redraw screen in many console-based app.