1. Controlling processes
2. While typing commands
3. Correcting text
4. Moving
5. Cut / paste
6. Controlling the terminal
7. Bonus
In Bash and ZSH default key shortcuts are emacs style, a vim style exists.
20 raccourcis clavier du shell (Bash, ZSh) en mode emacs le réglage par défaut. Un mode vim existe.
Keys Description
CTRL+C Close the process running in foreground
CTRL+Z Suspend current process, it goes Zzz
bg command to resume it in background,
fg command to resume it in foreground.
Keys Description
CTRL+R Recall a previous command
TAB Auto-complete files and folder names, also commands and options with ZSH
CTRL+C Clean the line
Keys Description
CTRL+_ Undo the last key press. Can be repeated.
CTRL+T Toggle the last 2 characters;
Alt+T the last 2 words;
Esc+T current word with previous
Keys Description
CTRL+A Go to the begining of the line (like Home) alpha
CTRL+E Go to the end of the line (like End)
Alt+F Move 1 word forward, CTRL+F 1 character
Alt+B Move 1 word backward, CTRL+B 1 character
Keys Description
CTRL+H Cut 1 char before the cursor (like Backspace)
CTRL+W Cut 1 word before the cursor
CTRL+U Cut the part of the line before the cursor (Undo)
CTRL+K Cut the part of the line after the cursor
CTRL+Y Paste (yank) the last cut string
Keys Description
CTRL+S Stop the current output (to read it)
CTRL+Q Quit suspended mode, so resume output.
PgUp to read the begining
<cmd> | less to control output from start.
CTRL+L Clear shell screen, like clear command. Redraw layout
CTRL+D Exit (destroy) the current shell
Keys Description
CTRL+M Alternative to Enter
CTRL+J also works
1. CTRL + A Esc ↑ in a screen, Esc to stop
2. Redraw screen in many console-based app.
DL : https://cresstone.com/apps/linkMaker/#appInfo
Linkmaker is a free program for Microsoft's Windows operating system to create shortcut, symbolic links and NTFS hard links / junction points.
While most Windows users know what shortcuts are, as they are exposed to shortcuts regularly on the desktop, on the taskbar or the Start Menu, symbolic links, hardlinks and junctions are not as commonly known.
Symbolic links link to another path on the device that the operating system or applications that run on it follow. Hard links on the other hand can best be described as referencing a file using different names under different paths. Junctions finally (called soft links sometimes) works in the same way, but for directories.
Check out Jack's take on getting to know links on Linux if you run a Linux distribution.