Github Profilinator
readme Generator for github .md
🔭 I’m currently working on Bash3lper
❓ Ask me about anything related to BASH and security technologies
⚡ Fun fact: I don't like Human!
Why life is not like a code?
Generated using Github Profilinator
GitHub & BitBucket HTML Preview
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Developed by niu tech | Contribute on GitHub
Past Incidents
Apr 23, 2020
Incident on 2020-04-22 23:59 UTC
Resolved - This incident has been resolved.
Apr 23, 00:30 UTC
Update - We have deployed a fix and are monitoring recovery.
Apr 23, 00:09 UTC
Investigating - We are investigating elevated errors starting GitHub Actions workflows.
Apr 22, 23:59 UTC
Powerful features
Make code review process more efficient.
Deliver high quality code without reducing the teams' throughput.
Enforce quality policies through our business rules engine.
Articulate QA, release and development teams.
Super Pull Requests
Collaborate with your team in real time, performing progressive checks to avoid titanic reviews before deploying.
PHP Malware Finder
Webshell finder,
kiddies hunter,
website cleaner.
Detect potentially malicious PHP files.
GitHub publie son traditionnel bilan annuel Octoverse.
Au cours des douze derniers mois, GitHub a enregistré l'activité de plus de 5,8 millions d'utilisateurs et plus de 331 000 organisations.
Open source
From the code that sent Apollo 11 to the moon, to an open source curriculum that helps nonprofits—you shared and built lots of amazing things over the past year. Here are the most starred open source repositories on GitHub, showing which repos users starred in common.