Git Command Explorer
Find the right commands you need without digging through the web.
We tried to learn other languages, but since we didn't find a for them it might not say "Welcome". We extend our deepest apologies.
How do I use this thing?
See the input box by the logo? Just type in a command and see the magic happen!
Try osx/say, linux/du, or simply man.
Some commands are widely available with the same interface, some other have variants per operating system. Currently the tldr-pages project splits comman into 4 categories: common, linux, osx, and sunos.
du, for example, is available under both linux and osx.
What is ?
This is a web client for a project called tldr-pages; they are a community effort to simplify the beloved man pages with practical examples.
Version WEB :
borg "get my ip"
wget (link) -O /usr/local/bin/borg
chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/borg