For the first time, experience ultra-dense sound with physical impact.
A power, clarity, and preciseness unlike anything you have ever heard before.
Hi-Fi, docks, speakers, cinema. Multi-room. Wireless.
Phantom replaces all existing systems.
Logo, la justice àportée de clic
Un problème dans la vie quotidienne, au travail, d'assurance… ? En quelques clics JuriService répond à vos interrogations et vous propose gratuitement et anonymement une solution concrète : coordonnées du tribunal compétent, avocat obligatoire ou pas, formulaire officiel à remplir pour, si vous le souhaitez, entamer une procédure librement et sans frais.
Wonder how to get your VLC 2.2 to play encrypted blu-ray discs?
Here's how.
You'll need two files: keys database and AACS dynamic library.
Keys database
DL file -- >
UPDATED 19-03-2017!
Windows: put it in C:\ProgramData\aacs\
Mac OS X: put it in ~/Library/Preferences/aacs/ (create it if it does not exist)
Linux: put it in ~/.config/aacs/
AACS dynamic library
UPDATED 22-02-2016!
VLC 32 bit on Windows: put that file in your VLC directory
VLC 64 bit on Windows: put that file in your VLC directory
Mac OS X: put that file in ~/lib directory (create it, if it does not exist)
Linux: install libaacs package using your distribution package manager.
Another link :
With auto-updater
What is KiTTY ?
KiTTY is a fork from version 0.69 of PuTTY, the best telnet / SSH client in the world.
KiTTY is only designed for the Microsoft® Windows® platform. For more information about the original software, or pre-compiled binaries on other systems, you can go to the Simon Tatham PuTTY page.
KiTTY has all the features from the original software, and adds many others as described below:
La voie lactée, vue du ciel
Un pilote de ligne a réalisé un TimeLapse durant un vol à bord d'un avion. Le résultat est spectaculaire et montre la beauté du ciel et de la voie lactée au dessus des nuages, ainsi que le passage des avions de ligne.
Performant Endpoint Visibility
osquery allows you to easily ask questions about your Linux, Windows, and macOS infrastructure. Whether your goal is intrusion detection, infrastructure reliability, or compliance, osquery gives you the ability to empower and inform a broad set of organizations within your company.
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 1484120AC4E9F8A1A577AEEE97A80C63C9D8B80B
sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] xenial main"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install osquery
Go See it on GitHub
https:// clone URL it to Desktop:
git clone
SSH clone URL it to Desktop:
git clone
Find Windows Login Password
The following simple solution can be used to retrieve a Lost Windows login password. Helpful for those who have forgot Windows Login password and need to Reveal Windows Login Password. I can recall multiple instances when I have needed to Find Windows Login Password for an administrative account. Over time it's easy to forget what password we have set for the Windows admin account. The good news is that these passwords are easily recoverable by using a tool called Ophcrack.
How to Find Windows Login Passwords:
Ophcrack can be used to reveal or recover lost (user account or admin account) Windows Login passwords for Windows XP or Vista.
Download the Ophcrack Windows XP ISO or Ophcrack Windows Vista ISO
Burn the ISO to a CD using CD burning Software or use YUMI to put Ophcrack on a USB Drive
Reboot your computer, booting from the Ophcrack CD/USB
When the Ophcrack LiveCD Menu appears, press Enter
The Linux Documentation Project (LDP) is working on developing good, reliable documentation for the Linux operating system. The overall goal of the LDP is to collaborate in taking care of all of the issues of Linux documentation, ranging from online documentation (man pages, HTML, and so on) to printed manuals covering topics such as installing, using, and running Linux. Here is the Linux Documentation Project Manifesto and Copyright License for LDP works.
Translations of LDP works (languages other than English) can be found on the "Non-English Linux Info" links page.
A subset of Debian manuals are now available.
Additional documentation (HOWTOs, FAQs, etc) can be found here.
Older and unmaintained (but still pertinent) guides can be found here.
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