tools for webmaster is a free color tool providing information about any color and generating matching color palettes for your designs (such as complementary, analogous, triadic, tetradic or monochromatic colors schemes).
Just type any color value in the search field and ColorHexa will offer a detailed description and automatically convert it to its equivalent in Hexadecimal, RGB, CMYK, HSL, HSV, CIE-LAB / LUV / LCH, Hunter-Lab, XYZ, xyY and Binary.
Why RealFaviconGenerator
No hard decision
With so many platforms and icons, it's hard to know exactly what you should do. What are the dimensions of favicon.ico? How many Touch icons do I need? RealFaviconGenerator did the reseach and testing for you.
Done in 5 minutes
You spent hours on design, colors, graphics... How much time left for the favicon? Probably not much. But no worries, you only need a few minutes to tackle this task.
Compelling design, a platform at a time
Each platform comes with its own design requirements. You can't just use the same picture everywhere. RealFaviconGenerator knows this and lets you craft your icons platform per platform.
TIOBE Index for August 2017
August Headline: The real fight is in the backyard.
Aug 2017
1 Java 12.961% -6.05%
2 C 6.477% -4.83%
3 C++ 5.550% -0.25%
4 C# 4.195% -0.71%
5 Python 3.692% -0.71%
6 Basic .NET 2.569% +0.05%
7 PHP 2.293% -0.88%
8 JS 2.098% -0.61%
9 Perl 1.995% -0.52%
10 Ruby 1.965% -0.31%
Rust Documentation
If you haven’t seen Rust at all yet, the first thing you should read is the introduction to the book, The Rust Programming Language. It will give you a good idea of what Rust is like, show you how to install it, and explain its syntax and concepts. Upon completing the book, you’ll be an intermediate Rust developer, and will have a good grasp of the fundamental ideas behind Rust.
Mozilla fait la promotion de son langage Rust qui cherche à combiner rapidité d'exécution, sécurité et facilité d'utilisation. Malgré sa jeunesse - la version 1.0 ne date que de 2015 - le projet est séduisant et son référentiel de bibliothèques tierces, Cargo, est déjà bien fourni. Et l'équipe qui le développe étudie comment mieux travailler avec C et C++.
The WIVET Score of Web Application Scanners
The current information is based on the results of the 2011/2012/2014/2016 benchmarks (excpet for entries marked as updated [Updated Benchmark Results!] or new [New Version/Product!] )
Last updated: 18/09/2016, Currently compares 27 scanners
Sorted in a descending order according to the scanner WIVET score and product name.
Hint: click the version link to get more information about each scanner evaluation, and the product name to get detailed information on the product.
Font Squirrel webfont-generator
Il y a quelques jours, je suis tombé sur un article qui explique comment Google a augmenté le débit et réduit la latence de son infrastructure avec un nouveau algorithme de congestion pour TCP : BBR.
On parle ici d’une augmentation de 4 à 15 % selon les tests de Google.
Crypto Sheriff
Pour nous permettre de définir le type de rançongiciel qui affecte votre système, nous vous prions de remplir le formulaire ci-dessous. Ainsi, nous pourrons verifier si une solution est disponible. Si c’est bien le cas, nous vous fournirons un lien pour télécharger la solution de déchiffrement.